Define and Covid-19 links
Azure SQL: changing performance and quickly making copies
Answering the phone, functionally, again
Taking the Azure Architecture Certification 70-535
C# on Linux, in Docker
Answering the phone, functionally
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TypeScript: Setting Up and Settling In
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DU90 - Assessing the Quality of Drug Prescribing
Benchmarking Antibiotic Homogeneity Index using the Rx-info Define Platform
Software conservatives and liberals
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Great dilbert cartoons
Windows gets docker
Azure lessons
Leaflet map with google maps and geolocation
There has got to be a better term than technical debt
Windows needs docker
Seriously it depends!
What happens when you squeeze a graph model into a relational database
Don't change the name of your CRM server
Microsoft CRM Dynmaics: the good, the bad and the massive
Loading dynamic data into our map
Building a webmapping system
What We Look for in Employees
Upgrading OS X to Leopard
Professional Development on a MacBook Pro
Rules of Thumb to Make a Project Work
Feedburner and Apache Redirects
SQL Server 2000 Spatial ?
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Interface RTTI
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